The Association between STOP-BANG and Mallampati Scores in Commercial Drivers referred for health license
Background and Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is considered a common sleep disorder that increases the risk of traffic accidents among drivers. This study aimed to assess the association between Mallampati score and STOP-BANG (Snoring, Tiredness, Observed apnea, Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Age, Neck circumference, Gender) score in commercial drivers.
Materials and Methods: 1743 male drivers referred for their health license were recruited in this cross-sectional study during September 2013 to December 2015 in Baharloo Hospital, Tehran, Iran. The Persian version of the STOP-BANG ques-tionnaire was used. STO symptoms were self-reported by drivers. Age, height (m), weight (kg), blood pressure (mmHg), neck circumference (cm), and Mallampati score were recorded by physician. STO and P-BANG scores were computed for all the participants. Data were analyzed using ANOVA test for comparing means among different classes of Mallampati score.
Results: Among 1743 participated drivers, mean (SD) age was 41 (10.6) years. STOP-BANG score was < 3 in 90.0% of them. Mallampati class II was the most frequent (36.0%) following by I, III, and IV, respectively. STO score was more likely to be higher in classes III and IV with no significant association. P-BANG score had significant linear correlation with Mallampati score (df: 3, F: 34, P < 0.001). STOP-BANG score was associated with higher Mallampati score (df: 3, F: 31, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: STOP-BANG and P-BANG scores were significantly associated with Mallampati score. Mallampati score may be used as a screening parameter for OSA in commercial drivers along with available tools such as STOP-BANG and Epworth Sleepiness Scale that is mainly based on self-reports of drivers.
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Issue | Vol 1 No 3 (2016): Summer | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
Keywords | ||
Commercial driver Mallampati class Obstructive sleep apnea |
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