The Factors Influencing Sleep Quality and Its Related Disorders in Process, Manufacturing, and Service Industries: A Systematic Review
Background and Objective: Numerous factors in industrial environments affect employees' sleep quality and cause poor sleep quality and its related disorders. This study was conducted to investigate factors influencing sleep quality and its related disorders in the process, manufacturing, and service industries.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the related articles published in the Embase, PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, Magiran, SID, IranMedex, and IranDoc databases from 2010 to 2021 were reviewed. Some of the used search terms were "sleep", "sleep quality", "sleep disorder", "process industry", "manufacturing industry", and "service industry". searched articles were reviewed to extract the required data.
Results: Out of the 431 studies identified, 59 articles were eligible for analysis, of which 19 studies were conducted in process industries, 35 studies in service industries, and 5 studies in manufacturing industries. In process industries, fac-tors such as anxiety, depression, shift work, job stress, and exposure to high noise and vibration reduce workers' sleep quality. In the manufacturing industry, work stress, and shift work impair sleep quality. Inadequate sleep quality was common in the service industry, and several factors, including depression, job stress, shift work, and musculoskeletal disorders play a role in this regard.
Conclusion: The results indicate that working conditions are such that people's sleep can be affected by various factors, so more attention should be paid to sleep health. Shift plans should be implemented following the best method. Moreover, it is critical to focus on sleep quality in the workplace.
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Issue | Vol 6 No 3-4 (2021): Summer-Autumn | |
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Sleep quality Sleep disorders Sleepiness Circadian rhythm disorders Manufacturing industry |
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