The Effectiveness of Alpha Binaural Beats in Reducing Stress and Rumination and Promoting Sleep Quality in University Students with Poor Sleep Quality
Background and Objective: Binaural beats are a novel type of non-invasive interventions. The present research aimed at assessing the effectiveness of alpha binaural beats in reducing stress, and rumination and promoting sleep quality instudents with poor sleep quality.
Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial in which the statistical population included all university students with poor sleep quality in Mashhad, Iran, in 2020. According to inclusion criteria and ethical considerations,24 students (12 women and 12 men) took part in this study. To reach the study objectives, the experimental group (12 students) received alpha binaural beats (10 Hz) for 30 minutes for 30 nights, and the control group (12 students) was on the waiting list. The research instruments consisted of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), RuminativeResponse Scale (RRS), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).
Results: Based on demographic variables, there was no significant difference for age and gender between control and experimental groups (P > 0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis was performed and showed that alpha binaural beat intervention could have a protective effect on the variables of sleep quality [odds ratio (OR) = 0.77, P < 0.0001], rumination (OR = 0.85, P < 0.0001), and stress (OR = 0.69, P < 0.0001).
Conclusion: Alpha binaural beats play an effective role in reducing perceived stress and rumination and improving sleep quality in students. The present study proposed a novel non-invasive intervention for psychological disorders
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Issue | Vol 6 No 3-4 (2021): Summer-Autumn | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Atrial premature complexes Dichotic listening tests Rumination syndrome Sleep Students |
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